Thursday, July 5, 2012

Community Supported Agriculture

This past spring a lady at church e-mailed about the CSA farm she wanted to join. The hook - if we all ganged together, we could get cheaper delivery than if we went separate, and we also wouldn't have to drive out to the farm every week.

I figured a half share wouldn't be too dangerous - after all, how many fruits and vegetables could that actually be?

A lot, it turns out.

Between the crops I'm harvesting from my aquaponics system and the boxes of fruits and veggies from the CSA, we are well and truly over-run with yummy vegetables. Luckily, the CSA publishes recipes and lets us know what these things are. I had never eaten Patty Pan squash before, for example. Who knew a meal of Patty Pan Squash Fritters could be so amazingly filling.

Tonight we had sauteed beet greens with pistou from last year's garden, along with the squash fritters and pickeled onion and red beet eggs. So good! So filling!!

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