Thursday, September 1, 2011

1 - A New Beginning

An early post at 3x5 Aquaponics

Just today I was reflecting that I needed a new name for my blog.

I started an aquaponics blog almost a year ago. At the time, I wanted to prototype an indoor DIY system that would allow year-round gardening. I picked the name 3x5 Aquaponics because:

Anyone with a 3' by 5' area (that can literally support a ton of water/gravel/etc.) can have an aquaponics system for well under $1000. That's under $1000 complete with lights, fish, and rocks (most experts recommend home aquaponicists stick to rock-based systems).

I designed the system and created a prototype. Seeds sprouted, and I transplanted them to the garden.

It worked. But the taller my plants grew, the more I envied those who can grow outside. When my tilapia "failed to thrive," I was free to create a system outside.

The garden grew...

July 2011

And grew...

August 24th, after a month away

And grew.

After Hurricane Irene swept past, August 28th

I'm loving this aquaponics adventure. Alas, "3x5 Aquaponics" doesn't really describe what I'm doing now. What new name could I pick?

Then I browsed to the Aquaponics Association website, to review what the site is promising about what I'll present this month in Orlando...

...Meg Stout of "365" Aquaponics

365 Aquaponics.

Year-round gardening.

It's perfect to fit where I am now in my journey, as well as including my original idea of a small indoor system.

So thank you, thank you, thank you to whoever decided I was 'Meg Stout of 365 Aquaponics.'

For the next year I'll continue to blog here about what I'm doing, with design details, tales of joy and woe, and pictures (always pictures)!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like your enjoying yourself and making the most of your "hobby". I read about your participation in the Philly event this weekend and wish I could make it there. I currently reside in IL, but will be relocating to East Brunswick, NJ this May with the intention to start up a business centered around aquaponics, providing fresh food, workshops, school tours, and a retail store. I'm REAL excited to get started and hope one day our paths cross. The best of luck to you and your family. Feel free to e-mail anytime at envirobjs (at)
